Bicyclists of Iowa City focuses on bicycle club rides, as well as city, county, state, national bicycle advocacy and access issues. Founded in 1976, Bicyclists of Iowa City (BIC) is recognized and respected in Johnson County and across the state of Iowa. Rides are held year-round and membership is open to anyone who enjoys bicycling, regardless of experience.
Saturday and Sunday rides are planned year round (weather permitting) ranging in distance from 20 to 100 miles. During late spring and summer, weekly "leisure rides" are scheduled in distances of 5-20 miles. These rides are perfect for the beginning or newer rider who wants to increase his or her cycling skills.
The year begins with the annual "Hot Chocolate Ride" held in late January. Independence Day brings the annual Amana Breakfast Ride, a 58 mile ride through the rolling countryside. In early September, BIC hosts the annual Amish Century ride. This ride is fully supported with rest stops and sag wagon, as well as a full buffet style meal at the end.
Web Site: bicyclistsofiowacity.org
Location: Iowa City, IA [map]