Front Rangers of Denver

Front Rangers of Denver

The Front Rangers Cycling Club of Denver, Colorado was founded on the belief that direct interaction with youth will offset the influences of drugs, gang membership, crime, and other social ills facing young people today.

The membership of the Front Rangers Cycling Club is composed of a group of adult professionals who are bicycle racers, ex-racers, and cycling enthusiasts. In addition, officers from the Denver Police Department are active members. All members share their time and enthusiasm to ensure worthwhile achievement for each and every participant.

The club introduces urban youth to cycling as an alternative activity to drugs and gangs, and actively promotes drug-free lifestyles, self-discipline, and the value of education through example and encouragement. The club promotes bicycle safety and educates members on the rules of riding on the open road. The club also organizes cycling events and races in the Denver metro area in order to expose youth members to new cycling venues. In addition, enthusiastic youth and adult members meet for regular weekly rides.

Web Site:
Location: Denver, CO [map]

Last Update: September 2nd, 2012