Tulsa, Oklahoma's premier bicycle racing club is the Tulsa Wheelmen, who are committed to all aspects of road racing, including developing new local racing talent, supporting their existing club of racers, promoting quality local and regional races, and responsible cycling through advocacy. Their training rides, races, newsletter and network of more than 100 members can help you achieve your cycling goals.
The club's goal is to provide an environment where new racers can learn from more experienced members and see how far their training and their bikes will take them. In conjunction with that, the Tulsa Wheelmen promote several USCF sanctioned races each year that attracts racers from all over the region.
The Tulsa Wheelmen also actively promote responsible bicycling and the protection of bicyclists' rights, with an emphasis on educating the public and government officials, as well as cooperative efforts with law enforcement and other local, state and national cycling organizations.
Web Site: tulsawheelmen.com
Location: Tulsa, OK [map]