Barr Bike and Fitness

Barr Bike and Fitness

Barr Bike and Fitness is a local bicycle shop that has been serving Des Moines, Iowa for more than 100 years.

"We like to think that our personal attention to you is our reason for success. We are all about fun and the enjoyment of cycling in central Iowa. Although we provide bicycles to thousands of enthusiast cyclists in the state, we also know that none of them started out that way and every one should find and enjoy the sport. We enjoy talking to the beginner cyclist and seeing the passion for cycling grow in them."

Barr Bike and Fitness carries bicycles and gear from Bacchetta, Cannondale, Felt Bikes, Haro, Raleigh, and Terra Trike.

Web Site: barrbike.com

Barr Bike and Fitness
1710 86th Street
Des Moines, IA 50325
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Last Update: September 2nd, 2012