The Ride Westcliffe: High Peaks Century is an annual charity event that takes place in the beautiful Wet Mountains of southern Colorado. The Century is 100 miles with 10,000 feet of elevation gain. There is also have a metric century, the Wet Mountain 60, a 25 mile New Guys ride and a family ride. All routes include rest areas, SAG support, a pasta feed, t-shirt, ticket to the High Peaks music festival, pool and sauna.
The 100-mile fully supported century ride travels from the gorgeous Wet Mountain Valley in Westcliffe through the rugged Wet Mountains to Colorado City and back. Other rides planned include a metric century (69-miles); a 24-mile out-and-back ride that follow along the same route as the Century; and, a fun-filled guided family ride that will encircle the old mining district north of the towns of Westcliffe and Silver Cliff and includes stops for lemonade and mining interpretation.
Web Site: ridewestcliffe.com
Location: Westcliffe, CO [map]
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Event Info:
Date | Ride |
09-14-2013 | High Peaks Century - An annual event taking place in the beautiful Wet Mountains of southern Colorado. 24, 69, and 100 mile route options. |