Race The Rail

Race The Rail

Challenge yourself with a 32-mile race against the AT&L Railroad in Watonga, Oklahoma. All cyclists who beat the train will receive a 2011 RtR rail spike. All entries will receive a 2011 RtR Cowbell.

Cyclists will start 1/4 mile south of Watonga and ride south to Geary where they will do a u-turn and ride back to the start. The train will begin in Geary and head north to Watonga. Because of track limitations, the train cannot travel faster than 10 mph. So as riders are traveling south, they will meet the train and begin the chase to catch and hopefully pass the train on the return trip to Watonga. The route is approximately 32.5 miles so you do the math on how fast you need to ride to beat the AT&L.

This event is part of the famous Watonga Cheese Festival. Riders can visit the festival following the ride and try cheeses and wine from vineyards all around Oklahoma.

Web Site: racetherail.com
Location: Watonga, OK [map]

Event Info:

10-12-2019Race The Rail - Challenge yourself with a 32-mile race against the AT&L Railroad in Watonga, Oklahoma.

Last Update: December 27th, 2019