The Iowa Bicycle Coalition is an organization working to promote Iowa cycling as safe and enjoyable recreation and transportation. The non-profit group was launched by bicycling advocates from across Iowa and unites the voices of road riders, mountain bikers, recreation riders, commuters, and anyone else who prefers a bicycle for recreation and transportation.
The Coalition promotes bicycle tourism in Iowa by working with Iowa tourism partners and developing publications to include route mapping of road routes, off-road trails, and recreational trail routes.
A state-wide bicycle conference brings together bicyclists, elected officials, government staff and engineers and presents the latest information on safety, facilities and advocacy. As an information clearinghouse, the Coalition disseminates safety and advocacy information to the grassroots level about Safe Routes to Schools, Iowa DOT Smart Wheeler programs, Ride Right and other valuable advocacy programs.
Anyone with an interest in Iowa bicycling can join the Iowa Bicycle Coalition. Membership in the Iowa Bicycle Coalition gives you a voice to determine the quality of bicycling in Iowa.
Web Site: iowabicyclecoalition.org
Location: Little Rock, IA [map]