Medicine Wheel

Medicine Wheel

Medicine Wheel's mission is to maintain and expand mountain biking access in the Pikes Peak region. They do that by keeping in touch with the local land management agencies, like the US Forest Service, Colorado State Parks, the Colorado Springs Parks Department, and the El Paso County Parks Department. By maintaining good communication with the agencies which control the parks & forests, they help them avoid problems with mountain cyclists before they happen.

Medicine Wheel helps to maintain trails for city, state and federal agencies in the Pikes Peak region, along with other volunteer groups throughout the area. With today's limited budgets, land management agencies are finding it harder and harder to build new trails for their users. Medicine Wheel steps in to help build trails that benefit all trail users and not just mountain bikers.

Medicine Wheel also sponsors a local chapter of the National Mountain Bike Patrol. Patrollers inform, assist and educate mountain bikers and other trail users. The fundamental goal of bike patrols is to ensure trail access for mountain bikers. The also educate riders about being courteous to other trail users and about proper riding techniques and trail usage.

Web Site:
Location: Colorado Springs, CO [map]

Last Update: September 2nd, 2012