
Winning Events

Winning Events

Winning Events is a company that promotes bicycle races in and around Lawrence, Kansas. Winning Events is run by Curtis Martell, who has been involved in USCF bicycle racing since 1982, and is currently a Cat 4 rider with Freestate Racing, Director of the FSR Development Team, a Category C USCF Official, National NORBA Official, and Treasurer of the Kansas Cycling Association.

Winning Events has been involved in organizing races such as the Clinton Lake Challenge NORBA, Kansas Mountain Bike Championship Series, Thursday Night Race Series, The Pure Cross Series, Sunflower State Games, Octoginta Time Trial, and the Sunflower Cyclocross.

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Winning Events
2017 Melholland Rd.
Lawrence , KS 66047
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Last Update: June 10th, 2012