Bike Allen County is an initiative to promote, nurture, and improve bicycling in Allen County, Kansas. Allen County is one of the top bicycling destinations in the state, with hundreds of miles of trails and bike-friendly roads.
The Bike Allen County web site provides information for both residents and visitors about bicycling in Allen County -- trails, routes, events, news, and more. The objective of Bike Allen County is to help create a community where bicycling for recreation and transportation is a normal part of everyday life, where it’s easy to get around by bike, and where active living is encouraged and celebrated.
Allen County is home to the Southwind Rail Trail, the Prairie Spirit Trail, the Lehigh Portland Trails, and the Missouri Pacific Recreational Trail.
Bike Allen County hosts the annual Portland Alley Pedalfest to showcase the burgeoning bicycling culture in Allen County, Kansas.
Web Site: bikeallencounty.org
Location: Iola, KS